The Reward for Value is Money- Book A Flight with Chijioke Nwakanma

How much money you have depends on how well you serve others.
Do you have much money?
No? Then you probably are not serving very well.
If you can serve your gift well to other people without the aim of making money but with the mind of service or adding value to people, carried out on the principle of Excellence, unlimited money comes to you.
Don’t chase money but rather aim at ‘Serving your gift to people, and money comes freely.
Money is the reward for Value and not the other way round.
Value is added through the platform of service. Your gift is your area of strength. It is what you are talented for, and you must serve it to your organisation or community, in order to be appreciated or rewarded.
A good example are the sportsmen like Cristiano Ronaldo who plays football.
The more he improves himself on the pitch, the more he gets endorsement & all kinds of rewards. If he fails to improve his performance on the pitch, he will begin to lose income & endorsement. He had just won a prestigious award among footballers, because he improves daily.
Serving your gift better is a function of increasing your performance rate when you do your job. Whatever you do or whatever task you accomplish at work improves you first before it improves others.

Your boss may not appreciate you but other people who sees your value appreciate you, and that’s a sign of improvement on your part. Just keep doing it because you are greatly investing in your growth.

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